My Word for 2019

My Word for 2019

what's the point in caring about what other people think? 
does it make you happier? does it make you enjoy life more? does it help you to develop into the person you want to be?

i know from experience that caring about what other's think accomplishes nothing.
nothing. zero. zilch. nada. none

i guess you could say i am kind of an expert on caring about what other's think. i think about it a lot. it's why i don't wear my harry potter shirts to school. it's why when people ask for the music i like i don't say BTS. it's why i procrastinate writing on this blog. 
i am afraid of what people will think if i like or do something contrary to the "rules". 

and to be honest i am kinda tired of it. 

i am tired of worrying over what people think. it's pretty exhausting being constantly worried about other's thoughts. because the thing is, i can't control anyone's thoughts but mine. and honestly people are too busy thinking their own thoughts to be thinking negatively about me. 
i can choose if i want to be worried all the time OR i can choose to not care. 

this year i am releasing my self from the worry of what other people are thinking about me. i am not going to worry about if i everything i say and do is perfect. this year is going to be about freeing myself from the expectations others may or may not have on me. i don't want to feel the pressure of trying to be perfect. news flash: i and all other humans aren't perfect. "to err is human" - alexander pope 

my word for 2019 is FREE.

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