How to Thrift


Thrift advice from an expert

       I love to thrift. Mostly clothes, but I've been known to find a mean home decor item. I started thrifting because as a little girl I didn't feel confident in clothes from Justice or Hollister (where everybody else in elementary and middle school shopped). Jeans and shirts from Goodwill (my local thrift spot) were more comfortable for me. So I've shopped there ever since! 

       I would say that 80% of my closet is thrifted. I love searching for my next cute piece. My friends wonder how I find the pieces I do (humble brag). So, here I am! I am sharing some tips on how to thrift like an expert.

5 Tips for the Best Thrift

  1. Have some ideas on what you want
    • I find that going in with a few ideas helps me to not get overwhelmed. Sometimes, I'll be looking for Levi's or a black graphic tee. Having a general idea is good.
  2. Don't expect to find replicas from Pinterest
    • That being said, expecting a very specific item in mind will lead to disappointment. I have found myself going into Goodwill expecting Urban Outfitters. To avoid being discouraged, I recommend not having a SUPER specific piece in mind. Just observe what's already there.
  3. Be ready to SEARCH
    • People assume that I have a super power that makes me find good pieces. The truth is that I just spend a lot of time searching the store. You have to put some effort into looking through the racks and evaluating pieces in order to find clothes you love. It's part of the fun! It's like a treasure hunt!
  4. Drift from section to section
    • If you are in the shirt section and you just aren't feeling it, go unto the jeans. Or vice versa. I've found that traversing through the sections is more fun AND you find more. Don't pressure yourself into finding something specific (back to Tip #2).
  5. Don't be discouraged
    • Some days, you just don't find anything. I've been to several Goodwill's within a day and not find anything. It's just like that sometimes. But don't give up! I honestly think that thrifting is a bit of skill so you may need practice before you can score big. Or maybe it's just luck, and I'm being dramatic. Either way, you shouldn't give up!

Okay! I hope that some or all of these tips helped you in some way to achieve your best thrift. You got this!


Biannual Book Review

Hey guys! It has been a hot minute. I don't know about y'all but 2020 has been pretty difficult for me. One thing that has helped me is to read! It's so nice to take a break from this world or gain a different perspective. I have read quite a bit so I am going to lump these into three categories: Comfort, Interesting, and Not My Fav. (Since there are a lot, I won't comment on each book.)

Let's get started!


  • Murder on Orient Express by Agatha Christie
    • My first Agatha Christie book. Woohoo!
  • A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
  • Skyward by Brandon Sanderson
  • The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
    • Holy Crap! Sanderson can build these ultra-realistic fantasy worlds and wrap you in. This series is THICK so be prepared (like 1,000 + pages). But I really recommend them. 
  • Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
    • Yep, I reread Harry Potter. This was actually my first reread of the series! Of course I loved it. I particularly enjoyed books 4-7 this time.  
  • Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
  • Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling 
  • Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
  • Order of Phoenix J.K. Rowling
  • Half Blood Prince J.K. Rowling
  • Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly
    • Honestly, this isn't the most fancy literature, but I really enjoyed it. 
  • Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
  • Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
    • I LOVE this series so much!!! This was my 3rd time reading Truly Devious, 2nd time reading the Vanishing Stair, and 1st time on The Hand on the Wall. I own the physical copies of this series. That's how much I love them
  • The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson
  • The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson
  • The Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro
    • I sped through the Charlotte Holmes series so quickly! I loved the character development. It isn't often that we see a toxic, codependent YA romance evolve into a healthy, one. This was a great Sherlock spin off .
  • The Girl Who Reads on the Metro by Christine Feret-Fleury
    • I have NO idea how I found this little book, but it was amazing. Juliette inspired me to take the reins on my life and be brave. To heck with all the maybes!
  • The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro
  • The Case for Jamie by Brittany Cavarallo
  • A Question of Holmes by Brittany Cavallaro
  • Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
    • Oh man, the Percy Jackson series. One of the hallmarks of my childhood. I needed an easy, reliable series, and this went above and beyond. I had forgotten how hilarious and relatable Percy is. Such a great series.
  • Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
  • Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
  • Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
  • The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
  • The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
    • I love this scripture so much. I think this was my 5 or 6 reread. It brings me so much peace. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I am proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
  • Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus
  • Wild Card by Marie Lu
    • This book is cheesy and heavily inspired by Ready Player One. AND I still loved it. I wasn't a huge fan of Emika, but I'm a sucker for all things Japan.
  • City of Ghosts by V.E. Schwab
    • I figured out a couple chapters in that this was a middle school book, but it was an enjoyable read. I want to visit Edinburgh now.


  • Fences by August Wilson
    • I read this play for English, and it was so good. I think it's important to read pieces from other people's perspectives to help you understand their struggles. Through this play, I understand the African American community more.
  • Scythe by Neal Shusterman
    • WHOA! This book was a trip. I felt very similar while reading Fahrenheit 451. It was interesting to be in this book's world for a while.
  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
    • Man, this book was wild. Bradbury was pretty spot on for how we would become dependent on electronics. Really made me evaluate how much time I spend on my phone. This was the first Classic I read on my own!
  • How to Read Literature like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster
    • Okay, call me a nerd, but I enjoyed reading this book for English. It shifted my view of reading Classic books COMPLETELY. I understand a lot more now, and Foster does an excellent job of entertaining while teaching.
  • Lord of the Flies by William Golding
    • This was another book I had to read for English. It brought a lot of questions and considerations to my mind on human nature.
  • Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
    • Another trippy book. I read this right before we started quarantine. It FREAKED me out. It was crazy to be reading about a global pandemic while it was happening in real life. The writing is beautiful, and I really recommend it. Though you may want to wait till after quarantine ends lol.
  • Being Mortal by Atul Gawande
    • Even though this was a book about aging and dying, I liked reading it and I am grateful to be more knowledgeable about it.
  • How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell
    • And yet, another book that changed my perspective. This was a collection of stories and advice on how to be more mindful of your time, energy, and environment. It wasn't a traditional self-help book, but I loved it. I think I will purchase it.

Not My Fav

  • Othello by Shakespeare
    • I'm glad I read this, but I probably won't read it again. Othello annoyed me. If he would have just TALKED to Desdemona, things would have been different.
  • The Naturals by Jennier Lynn Barnes
  • The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
    • I wasn't able to get too far into this books because of the language. Just didn't connect to the plot or characters either.
  • The League of Delphi by Chris Everheart
  • War Cross by Marie Lu 

Alright! I will update y'all in December with the second half of this year's reading. Don't worry. You'll hear more from me before then.

Stay Tuned!

Addi <3

Summer Playlist

Welcome to Summer!

Here is a little gathering of a few of my current favorite songs that 
are perfect for a summer day!!

  1. Dream Glow by BTS & Charlie XCX : This is probably my FAVORITE song at the moment. I have put it multiple times on separate playlists. Charlie XCX's voice melds really well with Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook 's. This is a WHOLE bop.
  2. Brand New by Ben Rector : I feel so young and hopeful when I listen to this song! It truly embodies how I want to feel in summer.
  3. Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low : Okay this song is from my middle school emo phase but it has withstood the test of time. It is a nice little head-banger that forces me to break out the air guitar.
  4. Old Town Road feat. Billy Ray Cyrus by Lil Nas X : My love for this song started off completely ironically but now it's legit. Such a fun, goofy experience.
  5. Ride by twenty one pilots : Another hit from my middle school emo phase. There is no denying the summer energy that is on this track though. You have to roll the windows down in a car to get the full experience.
  6. I Don't Care by Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber : I was not expecting to like this song as much as I do. What can I say, I am a Beliber.
  7. Still Into You by Paramore : This is the third song from my emo phase; did I ever leave it?? Anyways, belting this song at the top of your lungs is very therapeutic and that makes it qualified in my book to be an Addi Favorite.
  8. Sadie Hawkins Dance by Relient K : Funny story, I actually was introduced to this song in 5th grade and for some reason I thought of it recently and downloaded it. Has similar jam-ability to Still Into You and Dear Maria, Count Me In.
  9. Weak by AJR : I burst into a random rave whenever and wherever I hear this song. Something in my body forcefully makes me dance to it. But hey, I'm not complaining.
  10. All Night by BTS & Juice WRLD : BTS only produces quality music. I probably won't listen to Juice WRLD by himself but he did well in this song with RM and Suga. I love BTS's rap songs so much.
  11. A Brand New Day by BTS & Zara Larsson : The third BTS song on this playlist. They are just THAT powerful. JHOPE and V were a combo I didn't expect but they thrived. The tropical vibes are perfect for summer!
  12. WILD by Troye Sivan : Something about Troye Sivan's voice in this song is just *beautiful*.
  13. Don't Stop by 5 Seconds of Summer : An oldie but a goodie. I wasn't a huge fan of 5SOS at their prime so I'm making it up by playing this teen-anthem often.
  14. Used To Be by the Jonas Brothers : Honestly the whole Happiness Begins album is gold but this song sticks out to me. I like that I can see myself driving with the windows down to it.
  15. Free Falling by Wolfside : This song is a funky little jam. I have a lot of fun listening to it!

Thanks for Reading!
Have some fun with my amazing taste in music!!

- Addi :)

4th Quarter Fever

 4th Quarter Fever

 The time is at hand. It's finally April and that means that I only one month of school left. I've even gotten my progress report which signals the half of the quarter has passed. But I have noticed something. It has been passed throughout my school. That's right. I am talking about ...




AHHHHHH. I know it scares me too. The symptoms of 4th Quarter Fever are: apathy towards school work, lack of patience for kids at school, and the common phrase, " i just don't care anymore."

Many will say this is just senior-itis but no. This disease reaches all in the public school system. I have heard from my sources that even teachers have been to known to exhibit the symptoms.

Okay I am done with the disease narrative. But the fact remains that 4th Quarter Fever is real and has EVERYONE miserable. Again, this applies to more than just seniors. I am a junior and I feeling the effects HARD. 

The advice I have for you today though is profound.
 It is to ...
*drum roll* 

Hang in there. 

Seriously though, that's all I got. Hang in there and finish strong. Don't let all year be a waste. Don't decide to stop doing your homework in April, thus erasing all the homework you have done so far. Keep doing your homework, keep listening to your teacher, and keep studying for tests. 

Just keep on doing your best.

You got this!

-love, Addi 

Customizing Your Neon Light

Customizing Your Neon Light

you're probably wondering,"wow addi! where did you buy that light from?" and i reply "i actually made it!" well i didn't make the wiring or put the pink translucent covering on the wire BUT i did mold it into 'good vibes' . 

how did i do it?

i did it in 5 simple steps!

1. first i got a strand of neon light for Christmas.(if you search neon light wire on amazon, you'll find it.) a couple months later, i lettered 'good vibes' onto my mom's chalkboard wall. if you don't have chalkboard walls at your disposal, i recommend good ole' paper. so you are looking at my handwriting! how awesome is that!

2. i molded wire to the handwriting. i followed the lines of the writing with the wire to create a sturdy foundation for the lights.

3. me and my mom tied the neon light to the wire using fishing line. this was the hardest and longest step out of all of them.

4. finally, we transported it from the chalkboard wall to my room and hung it on some clear command hooks. we used 5 clear hooks in total. since i put this sign above my bed, the leftover neon light is hidden behind my bedside table. 

5. enjoy your masterpiece! sometimes i just turn on my neon light and admire it. gosh, isn't it aesthetic? 

i totally recommend anyone to do this room decor item! not only is it cheaper than what you will find at Urban Outfitters but it's also customizable! one day if i decide i don't like "good vibes" i can take it down, untie it from the wire base, and start again! don't be limited to just sayings either! draw a picture or you could just have a neon line around your mirror. the possibilities are endless!

how will you customize your neon light?

My Word for 2019

My Word for 2019

what's the point in caring about what other people think? 
does it make you happier? does it make you enjoy life more? does it help you to develop into the person you want to be?

i know from experience that caring about what other's think accomplishes nothing.
nothing. zero. zilch. nada. none

i guess you could say i am kind of an expert on caring about what other's think. i think about it a lot. it's why i don't wear my harry potter shirts to school. it's why when people ask for the music i like i don't say BTS. it's why i procrastinate writing on this blog. 
i am afraid of what people will think if i like or do something contrary to the "rules". 

and to be honest i am kinda tired of it. 

i am tired of worrying over what people think. it's pretty exhausting being constantly worried about other's thoughts. because the thing is, i can't control anyone's thoughts but mine. and honestly people are too busy thinking their own thoughts to be thinking negatively about me. 
i can choose if i want to be worried all the time OR i can choose to not care. 

this year i am releasing my self from the worry of what other people are thinking about me. i am not going to worry about if i everything i say and do is perfect. this year is going to be about freeing myself from the expectations others may or may not have on me. i don't want to feel the pressure of trying to be perfect. news flash: i and all other humans aren't perfect. "to err is human" - alexander pope 

my word for 2019 is FREE.

5 Tips to Banish a Bad Mood

5 Tips to Banish a Bad Mood

            My family and I created this emotion called emoIt's when you are feeling down, EMOtional, and sad. Okay let me clarify what I mean when I say emo. I don't mean you have sudden urge to go listen to Pierce the Veil and buy some band tees from Hot Topic. It's when you are feeling down, EMOtional, and sad. Maybe you are feeling that right now and if not this is for your future emo self.

  1. GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA AND YOUR PHONE                              -I know what you are thinking," C'mon Addi. I'm feeling like crap right now and all I want to do is to mindlessly scroll through Instagram." While I completely understand, being on your phone is going to make you feel worse. You will see your friends doing something fun, a celebrity's perfect life, or a stranger going on the vacation of your dreams. Seeing a person's highlight reel (aka their social media) while you are in down in the dumps, is going to make you feel worse! 
  2. STAND UP, STRETCH, AND GET YOUR HEART PUMPING                    -I have realized that the times I am usually most emo happen when I am sitting or laying. Even though my mind is screaming at me to stay lying in fetal position, I override it and get up.(Here's the thing about our brains: they want to keep us 'safe' at all costs.) But your brain isn't smart sometimes so it thinks getting up will hurt it. Silly brain! Once you battle your brain to submission just stand up and then just stretch for a bit to warm up. Then it's time to cardio. My exercise of choice is jumping jacks. They are quick, easy, and don't require a lot. Or I plug in my earbuds and dance it out. Yay for natural endorphins!!
  3. Change up your room in a small way                               -I like to change the quotes on my letterboard and lightbox. But you can hang positive quotes on your wall, write positive messages in dry-erase marker on your mirror, or rearrange your desk. 
  4. Paint your nails!                                               -This is great when you are starting to feel a bit better. It focuses your mind on painting and not on what was bothering you. And as a plus, you have pretty nails!!
  5. Sit outside and read a book or listen to a podcast             -There is just something about being outside that perks me up. When you have enjoyed nature enough, that's when the book or podcast comes in handy. I advise you to not be on your phone because while that is the easiest entertainment option, it's what most likely put you in a bad mood.

            I know talking about ways to help yourself is SO much easier than actually doing it. Even though most of us have the tools to help ourselves it is hard to wield them. (I know that from personal experience.) Writing this post reminded me of the tools I have and I hope it helps you too!

-Love, Addi


How to Thrift

    Thrift advice from an expert        I love to thrift. Mostly clothes, but I've been known to find a mean home decor item. I star...