4th Quarter Fever

 4th Quarter Fever

 The time is at hand. It's finally April and that means that I only one month of school left. I've even gotten my progress report which signals the half of the quarter has passed. But I have noticed something. It has been passed throughout my school. That's right. I am talking about ...




AHHHHHH. I know it scares me too. The symptoms of 4th Quarter Fever are: apathy towards school work, lack of patience for kids at school, and the common phrase, " i just don't care anymore."

Many will say this is just senior-itis but no. This disease reaches all in the public school system. I have heard from my sources that even teachers have been to known to exhibit the symptoms.

Okay I am done with the disease narrative. But the fact remains that 4th Quarter Fever is real and has EVERYONE miserable. Again, this applies to more than just seniors. I am a junior and I feeling the effects HARD. 

The advice I have for you today though is profound.
 It is to ...
*drum roll* 

Hang in there. 

Seriously though, that's all I got. Hang in there and finish strong. Don't let all year be a waste. Don't decide to stop doing your homework in April, thus erasing all the homework you have done so far. Keep doing your homework, keep listening to your teacher, and keep studying for tests. 

Just keep on doing your best.

You got this!

-love, Addi 

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